Thursday, 2 December 2010

Russian media scoop of the day - Football as a Common Denominator of the Upcoming Global Economic Shift


FIFA's choice of Russia as a host for the World Cup 2018 has headlined everything everywhere. The Russian media's outcry has been mercilessly honest in that not only the country celebrates a unique chance to enjoy a non-stop global point of visualization for an entire World Cup, but the Kremlin has now gotten a unique chance to have every single official in the government apparatus at regional and local levels to walk on tiptoes and outperform in efficiency stats for the next 8 years. While Putin sent off his Deputy to represent Russia in FIFA's draw in Zurich, he was the first to break into the country-wide clamor of happiness and joy with an intensity of a Russian bath interrupted.

A. As Nezavisimaya Gazeta reports, in his press conference Putin immediately reversed any comments about rumors on corruption of certain FIFA officials, calling for all to focus on the great deeds FIFA is accomplishing by uniting the youth of the globe and educating in them a spirit of healthy lifestyle, hope and opportunities for lifetime achievement.

B. He then went on to detail how RF will cope with the preparatory works that will run an expense account of 300bln rubles (approximately 10bln USD) and will demand concerted and effective teamwork of all relevant federal and regional government agencies. He then, without flinching, absolutized the framework of public-private partnership for the forthcoming works by calling the one football loving oligarch to open his wallet and spend some money on his homeland's efforts for "he has plenty of money". Of course he meant the Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich and of course he mentioned his name as such right from the blue TV screens, reminding that everyone knows how Mr. Abramovich made a fortune from his native Chukotka and it's time that he contributes more than merely sponsoring a single club. Other private partners already recruited for the envisaged construction of two large stadiums were also named - LUKoil and VTB Bank.

C. Izvestya's take on the event was a print version of CNN's single-topic breaking news that burst out second after second. The newspaper draws the developments leading to FIFA's pick of Russia by an hourly precision (17:52, 18:10, 18:12, 18:18, 18:30, 18:37 - sounds like a Zurich public transportation schedule but it's definitely worth a read).

Йозеф Блаттер оглашает результаты голосования в Цюрихе (фото: REUTERS)
D. Obama on the other hand was upset with his country's failure to be picked as a host for the games in 2022. Qatar had won the bid and has been leading a huge campaign on home and international fronts for the past three years.

Conclusion: In times of economic crises, it seems even FIFA has been considering the bidding countries' preparedness both in terms of existing facilities and infrastructure, and financial capabilities. Hence the EU bidders, along with the US have been gently pushed aside to pave a way for bidders with more secure guarantees to perform. FIFA's choice in subject thus predetermines a global economic shift, at least as far as the football is concerned.

1. Путин защитил ФИФА от клеветников

Премьер не стал давить на футбольных функционеров личным авторитетом

2010-12-02 / Игорь Наумов

2. Владимир Путин: "У него много денег" 03.12.2010 01:02  | Eurosport

3. Русское поле Чемпионат мира по футболу 2018 года пройдет в России

Дмитрий Трошин 

4. Б. Обама недоволен решением ФИФА